Privacy Policy

  1. Naturapet respects that personal information is provided to it by clients and is committed to treating that information with the highest degree of integrity and privacy.
  2. Personal information we collect from you will only be used for the purpose of completing your purchase and to assist us in providing a higher level of service to you in the future.
  3. Personal information held by Naturapet may include your name, current addresses, telephone / mobile number, email address, previous order history or shopping wishlists.
  4. Your personal information may be provided to our agents, for example our Delivery Agents, our accountant, our solicitor, for the purpose of completing your order or in the ordinary course of our business.
  5. Your personal information will not be provided to any outside party unless compelled to by law or a court order.
  6. Naturapet will take all reasonable precautions to prevent your personal information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure by storing it in a secure environment and allowing access only to authorized persons.
  7. We do not hold your Credit Card details. Your Credit Card payments are made through eWay, a proven and secure banking gateway for real time Credit Card validation and transaction processing. eWay is a PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard) Tier 1 payment gateway meaning it adheres to the highest security standards set by Visa and Mastercard.
  8. Naturapet invites it website users to create a password protected account in which contact details and order history are maintained for ease of reference and re-order. This information is stored on our secure data base however for added security, we suggest that you use a unique password that is not the same as any other passwords you may use.
  9. If you have any questions in relation to privacy, please contact our office at: Address: 3 Salix Court, Wights Mountain, Queensland 4520 Telephone: (07) 32897111 Email: